FAQ: Fine Art Prints

Fast and Secure Delivery:

All Fine Art printing and shipping is handled by The Print Space UK in London.

Prints will be shipped worldwide from their UK Labs. Standard Flat Rate worldwide shipping is free of charge and typically takes 7-15 business days depending on your location.

Please note that while shipping is free of charge, you will be responsible for any local tax duties. Prints are shipped in either a reinforced packaging tube or crumble proof packaging to ensure damage-free delivery.

Delivery Time:

Orders usually ship out within 72-hours of your purchase, and will usually arrive within 15 business days depending on your location. Please contact me at timsawatzkiphotography@gmail.com if your prints haven’t arrived in time.

Estimated Average Shipping Times:

  • Europe: 7 Business Days
  • USA & Canada: Up to 15 Business Days
  • Rest of the World: Up to 15 Business Days

Sustainability and Carbon Neutral Print Process:

We are proud  that all prints sold in this store are sustainably packaged and carbon neutral from end-to-end of the production cycle.

This was made possible by our partner The Print Space UK, who have worked hard to carefully inspect every single stage of their printing and shipping process.

Our Fine Art Paper Process:

Carbon neutral printing process by The Print Space UK with

  • sustainably sourced paper & recyclable packaging and envelopes
  • recyclable cardboard stiffeners to protect your print in transit
  • paper tape made from 100% recycled fibers
  • 100% recycled polypropylene corner protectors
  • recyclable bio-polyethylene frame protection
  • biodegradable bubble wrap
  • Our photographs are printed on Hahnemühle FineArt Photo Rag.

All prints are standard ratios for easy, universal framing options. We will provide you recommendations for larger prints of where to get UV museum quality acrylic glass and custom frames for an affordable price. See the sizing guide HERE

Secure Payment:

You can pay via PayPal and Shopify Credit Card Payments. Both use a secure 256bit encryption service and are 100% safe and secure.

If you'd like to pay directly with a credit card, my store is partnered with Shopify Payments. You'll be directed to the following page to process the payment for your order.

Exchanges and returns:

We are truly confident that you will love your prints. They will uphold the test of time and they will be a statement piece for your home or office.

Straight refunds are not accepted, however in case you'd like to exchange your print for a different one of equal value, you'll have 15 days to contact us from the date of delivery to arrange the exchange. You'll just need to cover the shipping charge.

You will need to contact us at timsawatzkiphotography@gmail.com within that time period. The print shipping packaging is extremely tough and are capable of surviving the roughest of shipping journeys, however in the rare event that your print arrives with any kind of damage, we will gladly replace it for you completely free of charge.

We will need to have video or photo evidence of the art work destroyed in order to process your replacement. In order for this to happen just send an email with an image of the package, print and certificate of authenticity as well as the order number to timsawatzkiphotography@gmail.com and we will get the replacement arranged for you right away.

We will happily cover the return shipping for any damaged orders and the subsequent replacement print. Our goal is to make you 100% satisfied.

Certificate of Authenticity & Edition Numbers:

All the limited collections have a limited-edition quantity for each piece and size. You can see detailed information on the editions on the product pages.

Once the prints sell out in each size and edition, they will never be available again. Each print comes with a unique certificate of authenticity. It provides the name of the image, the edition number, production date, certificate number and a hologram authentication patch that is matched by a unique number on both the print and the certificate.